BYD Electric Cars in Australia

The automobile industry is racing towards sustainable transportation with Australia being the front runner. The EV…

Is BYD Dolphin Electric Car Available In Australia

Looking for a stylish and environmentally sustainable trip down under? The BYD Dolphin Electric Car is available…

When Will VW (Volkswagen) Have Electric Cars In Australia?

A revolution in transportation is currently taking place all over the world as the world strives…

What Is The Cheapest Electric Car In Australia 2024

What do we mean when we say that an electric car is cheap? Within the constantly…

Australian Government Electric Vehicle Policy

The Australian Government has publicly made known policies to encourage more Australians to purchase Electric cars…

Electric Vehicles Australia FBT Exemption

A car must possess specific characteristics to be eligible for Fringe Benefit Tax exemption. Payment you…

Are Electric Bikes Legal In Australia?

It’s not a crime to own an electric bicycle in Australia. However, there are limitations to…

How Fast Do Electric Bikes Go In Australia?

Traditional bicycles have the challenge of causing you to be tired when you ride or paddle…
