Are Electric Bikes Legal In Australia?

It’s not a crime to own an electric bicycle in Australia. However, there are limitations to the places that allow electric bicycle riding and the various classifications permitted to be used by people.

An electric bicycle will be allowed on the roads of Australia only when its motor is 250 watts and below with a velocity of 25km/h and below.

It’s only throttle electric bicycles that are accepted to have a motor that is 200 watts or less.

Both Australia and Europe have almost the same regulations when it comes to electric bicycles.

Australians have wholly accepted the idea of electric bicycles but they find it difficult to abide by electric bicycle laws.

The penetration rate of electric bicycles in Australia is not as fast compared to other European countries.

The number of electric bicycles on the Australian market keeps increasing because of the reconciliation of electric bicycle regulations in 2017.

The number of electric bicycles purchased between 2019 and 2020 in Australia was about 48,000, which is predicted to keep increasing yearly.

An eclectic bicycle runs on a pedal and an inbuilt motor making riding easy and a beautiful experience.

Most people use electric bike riding as a fun activity when they are feeling bored. You can ride for long hours without getting tired.

Yes, throttle electric bikes are authorized in Australia. Throttle electric bicycles are widely favored in Australia because they are easy to use.

You can locate the throttle at the steering part of the electric bicycle supplying energy to the electric bicycle motor. This helps to enhance its velocity.

Press the switch on the throttle and you can easily speed up for the electric bicycle to take you to your destination.

In addition to their easy usage, throttle electric bicycles benefit the environment just like all-electric cars.

The widely acknowledged motor power in several states in Australia is 200 watts above which is punishable by law. Again, the highest tolerated velocity for throttle electric bicycles in several Australian states is 25 km/h.

The motor of the throttle electric bicycle shuts down automatically when you go beyond this accepted momentum.

In a state like Queensland, it’s a crime if a 16-year-old rides an electric throttle. For protection reasons, you should put on a helmet when riding an electric throttle.

This also applies in several states in Australia. Licensing your electric throttle is not a necessity in Australia.

Are Electric Bikes Legal In Australia

Yes, Electric bicycles are authorized in Australia. The market for electric bicycles continues to improve in the Australian market because of their multiple advantages. With an electric bicycle riding becomes easy.

The laws in Australia put both traditional and electric bicycles in one category. Electric bicycles are not regarded as motorcycles.

This is because an electric bicycle has an inbuilt motor and requires the rider’s effort through paddling.

The inbuilt motor provides support when tiredness sets in. Most of the states in Australia have rules and regulations that govern the use of electric bicycles in these states.

These rules and regulations differ depending on the state you are in.

Yes, Electric bicycles are authorized in Australia. The market for electric bicycles continues to improve in the Australian market because of their multiple advantages. With an electric bicycle riding becomes easy.

The laws in Australia put both traditional and electric bicycles in one category. Electric bicycles are not regarded as motorcycles.

This is because an electric bicycle has an inbuilt motor and requires the rider’s effort through paddling.

The inbuilt motor provides support when tiredness sets in. Most of the states in Australia have rules and regulations that govern the use of electric bicycles in these states.

These rules and regulations differ depending on the state you are in.

Yes, electric bicycles are legal in Victoria. Another name for electric bikes in Victoria is Power-assisted bicycles.

They are called power-assisted bicycles because they do not operate like the traditional bicycles. They have an in-built motor which makes their movement much easier and faster.

In Victoria there exist electric bicycles with a motor power of 200 watts and 250 watts respectively.

The maximum accepted speed for electric bicycles in Victoria is 25 km/h. Electric bicycles in Victoria also do not require licensing and registration. You can ride electric bicycles for long hours covering long distances.

One of the major differences between motorcycles and electric bicycles is that electric bicycles have paddles that can also be used in addition to the inbuilt motors they come with.

If an electric bicycle does not also come with a paddle and the motor power is more than 200 watts, it cannot be considered a bicycle.

In Western Australia, chargeable and fuel-using bikes are all legal. Like in Victoria, electric cars are also called power-assisted bicycles in Western Australia.

Electric bicycles are not allowed to have a motor power exceeding 200 watts.

Electric scooters, skateboards, hoverboards, and bicycles are all legal in Western Australia.

You have permission to ride an electric bicycle in Western Australia if you are 16 years and above.

Electric bicycles in West Australia are built to carry just a single person and should have a body mass of 25kg and a length, breadth, and height of 125 cm by 70 cm by 135 cm.

The maximum speed for electric bicycles in Western Australia is 25 km/h. If you are riding on a footpath which is mostly used by people, your maximum speed limit should be 10km/h.

You should practice these safety measures while riding an electric bicycle in Western Australia.

  • Always put on your helmet. This will protect your head in case of an accident.
  • Put at least one of your hands on the steering while riding.
  • Don’t text or make calls while you drive.
  • Abide by drug and alcohol intake rules that govern electric bicycle riding in Western Australia.

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